樂居(澳門)提供從頭開始為業主的裝修工程質量控制服務,驗樓服務, 所謂預防勝於治療,我們
為裝修的業主和工程公司提供更有好效的溝通,不怕雞同鴨講,胡亂收費,避免金錢糾紛。保護業主的工程有效按時,按預算完成, 憑其專業經驗以及熱誠為業主監測整個裝修過程,以及裝修後的驗樓服務。
We believe it is better to check and inspect during construction period. If you’re seeking peace of mind when it comes to home transformation or quality control, consider reaching out to HAPPY-HOME (MACAU) HOUSE INSPECTION.
We are trained experts who specialize in identifying defects and unacceptable workmanship finishes in various types of properties.
A home inspection services address not only to meet your needs but the prevention of issues between owner and contractor. We offer free lifetime off-site consultation, even beyond the completion of your inspection package.